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Anderson, Indiana. USA.
Nyberg Automobile Work's northern factory was located in Anderson Indiana.
The company’s southern factory was in Chattanooga, Tennessee andNybergAutomobile Works was located at 2437-39 South Michigan Avenue in Chicago (now the highway).
Nyberg logo.Claim is made by the Nyberg Automobile Works, located at 2437-39 Michigan Avenue in Chicago (now the highway), that they do the largest mail-order business in motor cars than any other concern in the country. Henry Nyberg himself is a veteran in the business, having been selling secondhand cars for 7 years. The mail-order business has been developed in the last 2 years and last season Mr. Nyberg disposed of nearly 400 cars. He picks out good machines, buys them outright, has them thoroughly overhauled in his well-equipped shop and then sells them. His business in Chicago alone is a large one, he asserts, but by means of the mails he has sold cars as far west as California, as far east as New York and as far south as Mexico. His establishment occupies two floors and a basement, 50 by 155 feet, and he has 20,000 square feet at his disposal. Upstairs he has his machine shop and body painting department. A car goes through a careful inspection, is pulled down and if any repairs are needed or replacements are necessary they are made and the car put on the floor for sale in tiptop condition under Mr. Nyberg’s own guaranty. (from a 1908 Motor Age article)Nyberg, once located at 2437-39 Michigan Avenue in Chicago. (image of the highway is where is was located)