Much is spent in the far West each year by car owners having their can rebuilt with special sport bodies and in order to take advantage of this condition, the Leach-Bittwell Mo­tor Company of Los Angeles, California has designed a car with comfortable riding qualities and with sufficient power to perform well In mountainous country. The present price of the stock model is $3,750, and finished in velour the car sells for $3.950.

Leach radiator emblem.
Leach radiator emblem.

The wheelbase is 126 inches. The engine is a Model 9 N Continental, having a 3/4 Inch bore and 5¾ inch stroke. 

Pistons are gray iron and the three main bearings are lined with white metal, bronze backed. The crankshaft ls 2 3/8 inches in diameter with balance weights forged integral.

Special attention to Coolling.
To secure utmost radiation in the cool­Ing system, the car has a radiator with a 4 inch core. The cooling system was designed particularly to assure good cooling in desert and mountain use. The core and shell are the product of the Flexo Radiator Company of Los Angeles. 

The gearset has a three-speed Brown­-Lipe in which la incorporated a disk clutch. The frame is 8 inches deep and both springs are seml-elliptlc. Both sets of brakes are on the rear wheels and by a novel system on equalizing, the company claims to have eliminated the necessity of frequent brake adjustment. The foot brake is external and the hand brake internal-expanding. The brake linkage and control mechanism has been so ar­ranged that only a slight pressure on the brake pedal la necessary to slow down or stop the car. This has been done to make the car especlally easy to handle for women. Cord tires, 32 by 4 1/2 inches are fitted. Disk wheels can be bad, If de­sired. 

The electric system is Delco and the battery a Hobbs, a Los Angeles product. The windshield is built as part of the top and made In sections so if any part breaks, replacement is easy. The top, body and fenders are hand made. At the rear is a combination trunk rack and bumper. 

Side curtains which slide up or down feature this car and make it either an open or closed model, doing away with the use of buttons, fasteners or snaps. The curtains when raised lay flat in the top, protecting the composition glass. It requires only a alight pull to operate the curtains and they are ready for instant use. The top itself is of rakish design and is patented.

Two types of bodies are made, a seven­ passenger sport and four-passenger speedster. There are many innovations on the car, such as electric lights to il­luminate the steps, optional colors, etc. The makers state that twenty-four operations are necessary in applying the finish.

1920 Leach Power Plus. Side view of car, showing the built in top and method of carrying a spare wheel. Individual steps take the place of a running board.
1920 Leach Power Plus. Side view of car, showing the built in top and method of carrying a spare wheel. Individual steps take the place of a running board.